Apple Cider

This popular home remedy is also marketed as a weight-loss miracle. Usually, it is incorporated into meals or mixed with water and consumed as a tonic.


Taking apple cider vinegar diluted in the water creates a less food cravings and helps with more in control of food choices.


Weight Loss

May promote fat burning and weight loss.


Contains polyphenols, which are compounds in plants that act as antioxidants.

Decrease blood sugar levels

Can help with blood sugar control.


How to add apple cider to your diet?


Daily tonic

In recent years, many people swear by their daily tonic made from diluted apple cider vinegar (1–2 teaspoons with water).

As a Supplement

Supplements in pill form contain a dehydrated form of the vinegar.

Salad Dressing

Apple cider vinaigrette is one of the best homemade salad dressings.

Roman soldiers, including Julius Caesar, drank apple vinegar with spices, as a stimulating and fortifying drink that can help them reach their fullest physical potential during combat.


The ancient Greeks treated battle injuries with a mixture of vinegar and herbs.

There are records of Hippocrates prescribing apple cider vinegar mixed with honey for coughs and colds and general weakness.

In Africa and China as well, and it served as an alternative medicine staple.


Apple cider vinegar is a product of the apple fermentation process which involves apple juice extraction, the addition of bacteria and yeast for alcoholic fermentation of sugar, and finally the conversion of alcohol to vinegar by another set of bacteria, chronologically. Different chemical compounds present in the mixture give the apple cider vinegar its rich and recognizable sour taste.


Apple cider vinegar's nutritional content is 94% water, with 1% carbohydrates and no fat or protein. In a 100-gram reference amount, it provides 22 calories, which makes it the ultimate salad dressing around the world.

Fun Facts

Vinegar residues that have been found in ancient Egyptian urns traced to 3,000 B.C. The inventor of the water and vinegar diet was Lord Byron.


Studies in animals and humans have found that apple cider vinegar may decrease blood sugar levels, increase insulin sensitivity, and improve cholesterol levels. Apple cider vinegar helps reduce blood sugar oscillations by reducing the rate at which food leaves the stomach and enters the lower digestive tract, which slows down its absorption into the bloodstream.

According to a recent study, the test group who consumed 25 grams of apple cider vinegar diluted in the water reported feeling less hungry and more in control of their food choices, but also nausea because of the strong aroma.


Usage of apple cider vinegar in supplement form carries a risk of injury to soft tissues of the mouth, throat, stomach, and internal organs, but is generally considered safe in moderate quantities. Because of its strong nature, apple cider vinegar can cause irritation to the skin and eyes, so precaution is recommended.

Due to its acidity, exposure of teeth from consuming undiluted apple cider vinegar may cause some damage. Sensitive individuals, small children, elderly, breastfeeding, or pregnant individuals should be extra careful when using the vinegar and limit the daily intake to a tablespoon a day, mixed with a meal or preferably diluted.

Medication can interact with apple cider vinegar, especially diabetes-related medication, a medication that lowers potassium level and diuretics.


Ajaykumar, T. V., Anandarajagopal, K., Jainaf, R. A. M., Venkateshan, N., & Ananth, R. (2012). Antihyperlipidemics: effect of apple cider vinegar on lipid profiles. International Journal of Biological & Pharmaceutical Research, 3(8), 942-945.

Kausar, S., Humayun, A., Ahmed, Z., Abbas, M. A., & Tahir, A. (2019). Effect of apple cider vinegar on glycemic control, hyperlipidemia and control on body weight in type 2 diabetes patients. International Journal of Medical Research & Health Sciences, 8(5), 59-74.


Aloe Vera

