Berries - 'Superfoods' Everyone Needs

Berries are pulpy fruits that deserve our full attention, and that's why they are a separate item in Holistic Living daily checklist. They are used worldwide because of their relatively simple cultivation and have been bred for hundreds of years. We all know the regulars: strawberry, blueberry, blackberry, raspberries, blackcurrants, red-currants, cranberries, and for many, they are the best part about eating healthy. 

Berries can overcome the typical savory/sweet division as they go beautifully with different flavor profiles. So, why should we eat them once a day? 

Berries Facts

  • Their color palette says that they are packed with antioxidants.

  • They are super high in vitamins: A, B2, C

  • Voluminous, satiating, and they are low in calories

  • Can be consumed in many ways: fresh, frozen, cooked, baked, squeezed into a juice or a smoothie, tea

  • They nourish both body and mind because of their sweet taste

  • They make the perfect substitution for deserts 

And now, as we finish the process of falling in love with these nature candies, it is time for some heart-to-heart talk.

According to botany, strawberries, raspberries, and blackberries are not berries at all!

They are aggregate fruits. 

Do you know what a berry is?

  • Watermelon is a berry (?).

  • Banana is a berry (!?)

  • Eggplant is a berry.

So, forget about the terminology conflicts, grab a bowl of your favorite kind of berries (the pretty ones we consider berries) and make sure it becomes a long-lasting habit. 

Your nervous system, bladder, kidneys, skin, and hair will for sure thank you! 

- Use Holistic Living to track each day you consume serving the size of berries (approx. 1 cup). Although many of them have stabile constituents, keep in mind that fresh is always the best choice!

In Numbers

There are approximately 400 different species of berries - Strawberries are queens of the industry: with 44 % in sales share - A 100g serving of not so widely used lingonberries supplies 139 % of Reference Daily Intake for manganese, an essential mineral.

Bottom line

“Better than any argument is to rise at dawn and pick dew-wet red berries in a cup. “– Wendell Berry, novelist & environmental activist

‍*Content and products on Holistic Living are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.


Healthy fats

